Thursday, March 3, 2011

Haters & Hypocrites: A Letter.

One of my creative writing assignments is to write a short letter to someone and share it with a stranger. Since people I don't know regularly visit my page, I figured this would be a good forum for sharing. As always, thank you for reading.

Dear You,

You think you're so bold. So courageous. So skilled in the art of confrontation. Little do you know that real friends don't just ask did I do something wrong? they also ask are you ok? You never once asked if I was ok. Instead you went around talking to all of our mutual acquaintances. Did you really think that all of those conversations wouldn't somehow get back to me? If so, you're even more naive than I thought.

Then you decide to anonymously call me out for being a hater. You throw that word around so loosely. With such ease that it isn't even an insult. Little Miss Positivity apparently has a mean streak. Since you're all about expressing your feelings, let me take a moment to express a little something to you. The next time you decide to call someone a hater, take a look in the mirror. After all, it takes one to know one. By calling me a hater, all you did was prove that you're a hypocrite. Congratulations.

Love Always and For-never,


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