Saturday, September 5, 2009

Listen Up!

Poem #5 and the last in the Eavesdropping series. I really enjoyed this Read Write Poem Poetry Mini-Challenge prompt, but I wish I would have had more time to devote to it. Perhaps at some point I will come back to these five poems and try to revise them into things I can be more proud of. In the end I completed the challenge so I'm still proud :)

Eavesdropping 5

You said many things
Over the course of our relationship

Three amazing weeks
That I will never forget

But in the end all I really heard was this:
It’s not you, it’s me


  1. The final line has great ambiguity -- the entire meaning of the poem depends upon whether that phrase "It's not you, it's me" is an exact quote of what the other person (he)said about himself, or whether it is a second-hand recounting of what he said about her -- that is, he was blaming her. I love that ambiguity!

  2. you should definitely be proud!!! not only finishing, but in giving yourself good material to work with. there's a lot here.
