Sunday, January 10, 2010

Another Untitled Poem.

Poem #5 for the RWP Poetry Mini-Challenge. I'm too sad for a more cheerful introduction.

Winter has been unusually cruel this year
And we’re only two weeks into it

Already I feel like throwing in the towel
Maybe I should have made a resolution
Perhaps the New Year thinks I’m taking her for granted

Perhaps I am
Seeing as she only brings me
More of the same

And I’m a litter bitter because of it

Same lovers
Same arguments
Same lessons learned

I haven’t really learned anything from the looks of it

Still tomorrow is another day
And with it come the promise
Of a new beginning

The only question is
Will I be bold enough to reach for it?


  1. I admire the honesty of this poem. It's hard to write a poem like this. Many people (with SAD or without SAD) feel this way at this time of year. I really like how the poem personifies the New Year as a female, instead of as the male Janus. (P.S. To poet -- I hope you feel better as the days go on.)

  2. This poem captures my January mood perfectly...

  3. Same lovers
    Same arguments
    Same lessons learned.

    I can almost hear you mocking yourself... well... I have ended relationships over repetitive (therefore boring) conversations and arguments. There comes a point when I wave the white flag ((DONE!!!!))

    Looking forward to Day 6.

    There was one Mini-Challenge I despised. Think it was December. There was value in completing it, even as I abhored it.

    Brava to you for continuing along, anyway.
