Day 26. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's still really far away, but it's there. :)
Thanks to Read Write Poem for the wonderful prompt. And thanks to that poem that never quite worked out. Oh and thanks to Him.
I struggle to remember
the last time I felt like this.
The last time my heart raced
with an unabashed lack
of good intentions.
It must have been in college.
I don’t think I ever told about
who I was in college, but then
again, I don’t think you ever asked.
I want to ask what it is that you
want from me, but I don’t want to
ruin this with words.
So who’s to blame for your
busy hands? Me for allowing
you to touch everything your heart
desires without speaking up? Or you
for being so quick to explore and leave?
The heart wants what it wants and
want to pry you open. I want to pull
your insides out, to understand how
you are able to start and stop without
any regard for what is does to me.
hmmmm i like this a lot ... amazing how that works that thing that we want without and everything regardless of the cost until later much later... tho there must be a way to retrieve that which has been taken... yes, no??nightflight no 5