Friday, April 2, 2010

Day Two. A Lune and Robot Welded Parts

It's day two of NaPoWriMo and I'm not going crazy yet. Hooray for me! Today's offering is a Jack Collom lune; that being a lune of three words on line one, five words on line two, and three words on line three. RWP prompt details can be found here. The Cliff Notes version of the prompt is to do a search for the acronym RWP and to use the findings as inspiration for the poem. It should be pretty easy to spot in my short poem, but in case it's not, I used robot welded parts.

I hardly notice
robot welded parts scattered across
the hardwood floor


  1. Interesting poem. Sounds like a day of severe distraction. :-)

    I was not familiar with the Lune variation on the Haiku concept.

  2. I love the image here. It leads me to wonder what kind of life one leads if one no longer notices these things? :0)
