Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 20. Two poems to fill the space.

I wrote two poems today. Both wre inspired by the same image, a texture print by pareeerica. Prompt courtesy of Read Write Poem.

*Garbage* Texture by pareeerica

Empty Spaces

The empty space
Seems so promising

But I can only promise
One thing

If you give me
Too many chances

I’ll mess it all up
I’ll take you for granted

I’ll leave you
Seeing red

The empty space
Means one thing

I take
More than I give

I’ve always been
A selfish girl

I have no intention
Of changing

I’m not deserving
Of your love

The empty space
Is a reminder

If we push any harder
The center won’t hold

We’ll both
End up alone


The Spaces Between

There’s a space
Between the first time

And the last time
We met

I go over the scenes
In my head

Wondering –

What to do
What to say

What to wear
When I know
You’ll catch a glimpse
Of me

There’s a space
Between the moment
I started to fall in love

And you started slipping

I had you so close

Now I only have you in


  1. both are great...very strong....also love the red ...i have painting quite similar to this...everyone says there is nothing to it...but they should look.....keep writing...your awsome by keeping up

  2. I like how you riff of the image and play with the idea of space here - vacuums to be filled, spaces between things. Very creative.

  3. I like the couplet style and the surprises where you chose to break the pattern in the second poem.

  4. i liked both of these...
    but i especially liked the first one...
    "if we push any harder,
    the center won't hold"

    love this.
